Birth Certificate and Birth Registration
Step 1 : Submission of Birth Record form
Step 2 : Submission of application form along with the required documents
Step 3 : Birth Registry and Birth Certificate will be issued to the receipeint with the period of 05 working days
Documents that must accompany with form
1. Information provider's national ID card copy
2. Original Marriage Certificate of the parents (Divorce Certificate if the parents are divorced)
3. Revenue stamp of 1/- (One) Rufiyaa
* If the Birth Record form is not submitted within working 07 days, a fine will be charged as per the law. The form will only be accepted by the council after the fine is being paid.
* If the child is not registered as a residence within 90 days of birth, the child will be registered as a residence after charging a fine of 100/- (Hundred) Rufiyaa